With many different high level applications needing to transfer data over the NFC radio interface, the concept of the NFC NDEF is to be able to send data of any format over the interface while still being able to retain the air interface data format.
An NDEF message is composed of one or more NDEF records. There can be multiple records in a NDEF message.
The limit for the number of records that can be encapsulated into an NFC NDEF message depends upon the application in use and the tag type used.
In order that the system knows where the messages begin and end, the first record in a message is marked with the MB or Message Begin flag set and the last record in the message is marked with the ME or Message End flag set. The minimum message length is one record. This is achieved by setting both the MB and the ME flag in the same record.
To ensure that the data capability is used efficiently, NFC NDEF records do not incorporate an index number - the index number within the message is implicitly assigned by the order in which the records occur.
It can be seen that the NDEF is exchanged in messages that comprise of a sequence of records.
Each record consists of two parts:
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